What is Angular?

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If I say Angular is a JavaScript framework, what hits to your mind?

Why do we need a framework when we can work with JavaScript alone?

So, I am happy to tell you that now-a-days, framework play important role to keep the code maintainable and make the development fast.

How framework makes development fast?

Framework have a pre-defined architecture, which we also know as design pattern. Due to this architecture or design pattern the codes are in organised way, which helps in fast development.

Angular as front-end framework by Google.

First of all, by Angular I mean Angular 2+ and not AngularJS or Angular 1.xCurrent version of Angular is 9.1.0

Angular was initially introduced by Google. Angular is known as end-to-end front-end framework. That means, it is a complete package for a front-end developer which includes:

  1. CLI tool: a powerful tool takes care of each process/binding internally
  2. Protractor: a end-to-end built-in testing tool
  3. Performance: better performance
  4. Templates: create quick UI views with simple and powerful template syntax
  5. TypeScript: a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript
  6. Crossplatform: used to develop mobile or web applications
  7. OpenSource: being opensource anyone can contribute to it etc.

There are many such good features. Angular has a good list of features, I have just listed some important highlighted features. Being supported by Google, it has good and huge community to maintain it.

In-short, Angular is complete end-to-end client-side or front-end framework to develop simple to complex front-end applications. It has made front-end developers life easy to develop the application super-fast and with better performance.

some useful links I would like to mention here

  1. Great applications made with angular
  2. Fortunately India has a great community and conducts a national level conference every year in month of FEB in name of ng-india
  3. You can start learning Angular with official documentation

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