Build GitHub portfolio with easy steps

Hello friends, today we are going to see how can we have our own portfolio on GitHub.

As we all know, if we visit to someone’s GitHub profile, it was traditionally showing the repositories by that user. But as the world is changing, so GitHub has changed too. GitHub has launched a very good program in which, you just have to create a repository of your own username ( which is treated as a special repository). And with some basic MarkDown language knowledge you can create a portfolio and give a short intro about yourself.


  • GitHub account
  • Basic knowledge of MarkDown language
  • Some opensource project or repository to showcase (not necessary, but adds cherry on the cake)

Cteation of Portfolio

Step 1: Login into

Step 2: create a new repository as same as of your username

E.g.: my username is codecasm so my repository name will be also codecasm

Step 3: Now when you open the file, it already has some template. Either you can use that template or you can create your own.

Step 4: Now just save that file and visit your homepage. Hurray, you have a portfolio on your homepage.

Free TLD domain (.design)

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