Community : FREE or RUDE ?

Hello guys,

Don’t want any soft corner or support, just need to justify.

I posted a content image from a community and given credit when posting it to my page. Later the community gave me warning in a rude word that I don’t have any rights to re-publish any content of their community. Only mistake, added my site name in footer (feel my mistake here).

I tried to follow them so I could connect via DM & apologize. But the community blocked me. Later when tried to signin on their site, they deleted my account.

My very first question, can community be so rude? If you tend to spread knowledge, it should not be a concern to them. Even it was, there is gentle way to get off it, right?

Blocking and deleting the account from the site, wow. Such a fine community. Loved it.

Learnt a lesson, will never try to re-share any content of anyone, should create by myself by my own learning, genuine. That’s all.

With this I also declare that, anyone is Free to pick any content from my site and re-publish as they want but after fact-checking it.

As an community, we are here to help each other. I think community should be free and ready to help, if mistake happens, should be explained and given a chance.

Deleted all the posts from Tweeter and Instagram, which were referred or copied, even if credit was given. Now only genuine content available and will be available in future. ✌️

That’s fine. Had a great learning 👍

If you truly feel, you can join us:




#codecasm #community #helpinghand ❤️

2 thoughts on “Community : FREE or RUDE ?”

  1. I think, its okay if the community is/was rude. What’s more important is that you have a positive approach. Now everything on your website will be completely genuine and original from your own learning and experience. That’s what matters 🙂

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